by Beth Kanagy   The YWCA of Gettysburg and Adams County is celebrating 95 years of service to Adams County. We know that the community values the YWCA, not just for the facility: the pool, the gym, and the classrooms, but for the social interaction and the mission-driven programs. As we have in the past, we are reaching out to the community for your support during our yearly Hallmark Sponsorship campaign.  From now until April, we will call on our friends in the community, industries, and businesses to help us navigate a challenging economic environment while we expand programming and continue to serve our membership and the community. The YWCA serves our youngest community members at our award-winning childcare center in the Adams Commerce Center and our oldest community members through wellness classes and Silver Sneakers classes. Our fitness center is state-of-the-art and staffed by attentive, knowledgeable professionals. The aquatics program is varied and boasts an undefeated swim team. The pool is the home of the Gettysburg Area School District Swim Team, as well. We offer water fitness to all ages. Many community members enjoy our Advocacy programs, from the MLK Day celebration to programs offering insights into different cultures and experiences. The YWCA has always lived our mission of eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all. Your support now means we can continue to offer the community the services they’ve come to expect from the YWCA. And everyone can look forward to another 95 years of the YWCA of Gettysburg and Adams County.  Please consider becoming a Hallmark Sponsor today. Sponsorship packets are available at the YWCA from any board member or by calling Nancy Lilley at 717-334-9171. The YWCA of Gettysburg and Adams County are committed to fulfilling our mission. We look forward to your support and seeing you at the YWCA!

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